LIVE New Wilmington

LIVE New Wilmington

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LIVE New Wilmington
PO Box 107
New Wilmington, PA, 16142

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LIVE New Wilmington is a promotional campaign developed and supported by the New Wilmington Economic Development Committee (EDCom). The goal of this project is to promote connection and celebration as we live together in our community of New Wilmington, Pennsylvania.

Many people in the community have come together to recognize and provide opportunities for our town to flourish. During this process, it has discussed that particular efforts might aid in expanding already established strengths. New Wilmington is a hub for talented artists, top quality education institutions, a picturesque environment, and caring neighbors. Because of this, we have chosen to focus on these areas (arts, education, environment, people) as the pillars for nurturing and fostering growth. We believe these qualities are unique to our community, deserve to be recognized, and should be given a larger platform for celebration.

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