Rainbow Bend

Rainbow Bend

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Rainbow Bend
Rt 956
Volant, PA, 16156

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Website: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/14311255?source_impression_id=p3_1616004556_fCiBWcorspozojsD&guests=1&adults=1

Rainbow Bend is an Air bnb situated on 13 acres of land bordering both sides of the Neshannock Creek. With towering old growth forest on all sides, you truly connect with nature. The property boasts exclusive access to the Neshannock Creek, including a creek side deck. A cascading waterfall borders us to the north. Additionally, the home is adorned with a outdoor sporting and fishing lodge theme, which dovetails perfectly with the recreational opportunities. Guests can enjoy private fishing, hiking, and rafting adventures.


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